The purpose of life is nothing else but
the worship of Allah as Allah says:
“And I (Allaah) created not the
jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)” [Quran: 51:56]
Knowing this and knowing that we will all
die and stand in front of Allah one day, then the question is what does this
all mean.
Allah, in His divine plan and His
overwhelming Mercy, sent messengers to mankind to remind them of Him, the
Creator, and that He alone ought to be worshipped. Man, by its very nature, was
created forgetful and none is better placed to force home that point than
Satan. Allah chose Quran to be the final revelation and Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to be His final messenger and the followers
of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to be the final ummah (nation of believers).
Thus the book relevant to Muslims is Quran (while accepting that there were
divinely revealed books before this).
Were we to draw an analogy like saying
Quran is our textbook (and may Allah protect us for Quran is far higher than
that) and our life is the test and paradise the reward for those who are
successful. Certainly then it requires us to study this book, Quran, know it
and understand it sufficient for us to pass this test. The teacher's, Prophet
Muhammad ﷺ, notes must be used as complementary
information to learn and practice in order for us to be successful. (Complementary means Prophet Muhammad's
Allah created us out of His mercy. He
created good and evil and gave us the ability to choose between right and
wrong, knowing full well that some of us would choose what is harmful to us and
some would follow His guidance. He will reward us for choosing good and
following His guidance and punish us for harming ourselves by choosing evil.
God is in no need of our worship, it is
mankind that needs to worship God. If no
one were to worship God, it would not take away from His glory in any way, and
if all of mankind were to worship Him, it would not add to His glory. It is we, who are in need of God:
"I need no provision from
them, neither do I need that they should feed Me for, surely, God Himself is
the Provider of all sustenance, the Possessor of mighty power."
(Quran 51:57-58)
Everyone who agrees that this, as stated
by Quran and emphasised by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, should step forward and
surrender himself to the will of Allah. He, Allah the Most High, did not create
us to simply wander aimlessly or to only fulfill our basic instincts and
desires. Rather, we have a higher purpose – to acknowledge and worship God
alone, so that we live upon the guidance of our Creator. This guidance enables
us to live a successful and blessed life in all aspects. This includes personal
acts of virtue like prayer, as well as beneficial acts to society, like being
good to one’s neighbours, supporting one’s family, honesty, and caring for
In the general we must earn a livelihood,
we marry and start a family, we may entertain ourselves and our families a
little, we may buy cars and houses - all this and more is allowed as long as it
is in the confines of the Divine Laws (which was taught by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and then in turn passed onto those who have sought
this knowledge, our 'Ulama) - and acting within the bounds of Islamic Law is in
itself an act of worship for worship includes but is not confined to rituals.
We were created to worship Allah alone
and consequently we will gain His pleasure which will be the reason into
paradise. We are living the test and we have a chance, while we have life in us
(in this world), to pass as long as we make an effort to correct our mistakes and
fulfill the intention to answer the "question". The answer to the
question is to practically show our understanding of the "purpose of
life". We are Muslim and we submit to Allah alone.
And Allah knows best.
We pray for His guidance and protection.
#quran #allah #muhammad #paradise #satan #creation #scholars #believers #atheism #christianity #judaism #hindu #examination #textbook #purposeoflife
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