Dr Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah, in his book "An
Introduction to the Conservation of Hadith : In the Light of the Sahifah of
Hammam ibn Munabbih" sheds considerable light on the subject and
dispels any doubt regarding the authenticity of hadith in general.
Copies of manuscripts dating back to the
first century of Islam are to be found in Turkey, France and Germany. These
manuscripts shows a glimpse of hadith being taught by companions of Prophet
Muhammad (ﷺ) to their students. Hadith was transmitted
both by being written down as well as orally. Fairly early on it was already
realised that the volumes of hadith were extremely large. Rules started to be
implemented in the way hadith was transmitted with, as an example, the chain of
narrators back to the Prophet being recorded. Each narrator in a chain was
carefully scrutinized to ensure the authenticity of a hadith (see
"science of hadith" below)
Many orientalists take a look at hadith
and see that the majority of Muslims take Sahih Bukhari (the magnum opus of
Imam al-Bukhari) as being the most authentic book on hadith while this work was
only recorded in the 3rd century after the hijrah (Islamic Calendar). The
mistake most make is that they compare the preservation of Islamic texts with that of
Christianity (as an example). Muslims
have, from the outset, taken to the preservation of the words emanating from
the blessed mouth of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). The main issue to deal
with during Prophet Muhammad's (ﷺ) lifetime was to be
careful not to mix hadith with Quran. This was accomplished to the extent that
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) later on instructed that his hadith be
recorded in writing too.
Science of Hadith
Hadith has been studied and is still
currently being studied in relation to its isnad (chain of narrators), matn (text of the hadith), the context and
meaning of the hadith.
The grading/classification of hadith is
an important aspect of this science. While compilers of hadith may have had
differing methods to grade their hadith, the general or overall standard of
grading hadith is in line with the methodology of Imam al-Bukhari. To this
extent we find hadith being classified as one of saheeh (authentic), hasan
(good/fair), da'eef (weak), da'eef jiddan (very weak) and Maudu' (fabricated).
Importance of Hadith
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was the final messenger sent by Allah. Allah
revealed Quran to mankind via Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). He was more than
a mere conduit, but a teacher of the Divine Word, Quran. This great
responsibility required him (ﷺ) to expound on the Quran
through his actions and sayings. These actions and sayings are his hadith. The
completeness of Quran is not in question, rather it was the application that
needed to be demonstrated and Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), upon whom the
Quran was revealed, was and is the perfect example. Rituals such as salah
(prayer), saum (fasting) and hajj (pilgrimage) were taught through example.
Good manners, excellence of character, leadership, statesmanship, and family
responsibilities are some of the aspects Quran teaches and executed to perfection
by Prophet Muhammad. These and more are all captured by hadith which was
preserved for our understanding and implementation.
Hadith in our daily lives
Muslims have to follow the example of Prophet
Muhammad (ﷺ) which is also an instruction of Quran.
Education and the acquisition of knowledge is important and the more one
understands and implements of the pristine religious knowledge, the closer Muslim
become in following Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and the higher level of
piety and spirituality.
Scholars of Islam generally hold the view
that weak hadith cannot be used in determining a law or ruling in Islam.
Muslims are not permitted to transmit fabricated
hadith unless one does so to warn others of the fabrication.
Other references
In order to help make reading easier, I
have kept this note reasonably short. For those who wish to get further views,
I have included some links on the subject. The book mentioned in the opening
paragraph is more than a useful tool. Other books on the subject are available
in the English language.
#quran #qur'an #hadith #islam #allah #muhammad #christianity
#fabrication #authentic #bukhari #hamidullah #sahifah #abuhurayra # SahifahofHammamibnMunabbih
#manuscripts #turkey #france #germany #science
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