Monday, May 23, 2016

The Prophets of Allah (peace be upon them)

The Prophets of Allah (peace be upon them)
Did you know?
1.         There are 25 prophets mentioned in Quran by name
2.         All prophets, mentioned in Quran, who came after Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim -     peace be upon him) were from his offspring

3.         Various prophets were given revelation
            3.1       Abraham (Ibrahim - peace be upon him) - The Scrolls
            3.2       Moses (Moosa - peace be upon him) - The Torah
            3.3       David (Dawood - peace be upon him) - The Zaboor
            3.4       Jesus ('Eesa - peace be upon him) - The Injeel
            3.5       Muhammad (peace be upon him) - Quran

4.         Ebrahim (peace be upon him) had 2 sons who were both Prophets - Ismaeel and Ishaq (peace be upon them both)

5.         Ebrahim  (peace be upon him) was commanded to sacrifice his only son at the     time, Ismaeel (peace be upon him) at a place near Mecca (then called Becca).  Allah rewarded him for his sincerity and commitment and his son was spared. A ram was slaughtered instead.

6.         Ebrahim and Ismaeel (peace be upon them both) built the Ka'bah at Mecca - this was the first house of worship. The pilgrimage was declared thereafter, a ritual was is still being upheld today.

7.         Prophet Yusuf was the grandson of Ishaq and the son of Ya'qoob  (peace be         upon them all)

8.         Ya'qoob (peace be upon him) is also known as Israeel. He had 12 sons who are    the Bani Israeel. Yusuf (peace be upon him) was one of the Bani Israeel

9.         Moosa (peace be upon him) is a descendent of the Bani Israeel through Imran, a son of Ya'qoob (peace be upon him)

10.       Moosa (peace be upon him) was raised in Egypt by the Pharoah

11.       Moosa (peace be upon him) had a brother, Haroon (peace be upon him), who       was also a prophet

12.       Moosa (peace be upon him) led the Bani Israeel out of Egypt but he died before    he could enter the Holy Land

13.       Dawood (peace be upon him) slew Goliath. He was later to become king

14.       Dawood (peace be upon him) had a son, Sulayman (peace be upon him) who       was also a prophet and a king

15.       Sulayman (peace be upon him) were blessed with special gifts such as immense wisdom, the wind was made subservient to him and he could control the jinn.

16.       Zakariyyah (peace be upon him) was prophet and the father of a prophet, Yahya (peace be upon him)

17.       Zakariyyah (peace be upon him) was already infirm and his wife barren when       Allah answered his prayer and granted him a son, Yahya (peace be upon him)

18.       Maryam (peace be upon her) was born after her father had passed away. She      was raised by Zakariyyah (peace be upon him) and she was devout to Allah.

19.       Maryam (peace be upon her) immaculately conceived through the command of   Allah "Be" and she gave birth to Jesus ('Eesa -peace be upon him) while she was     still a virgin.

20.       Allah had chosen to create Adam (peace be upon him) without the involvement     of a man or a woman while He, Allah, created Eve (Hawa - peace be upon her)    from a male and no female. The third type of creation was that Allah created   'Eesa without a male and only a female. The rest of humanity was created through both a male and a female.

21.       'Eesa (peace be upon him) was blessed in that he spoke while in the cradle and    later on he performed various miracles by the permission of Allah.

22.       The Jews plotted to kill 'Eesa (peace be upon him) but Allah saved him and he      ascended to heaven to return close to the end of time i.e. 'Eesa (Jesus - peace       be upon him) was neither crucified, nor did he die but Allah took him into heaven.

23.       Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final messenger and a      descendent of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) through the lineage of Ismaeel      (peace be upon him)

24.       Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) received the final revelation Quran, in   the Arabic language, over a period of 23 years. Quran is the most recited book in        the world and the only book that is memorised in its entirety by millions of people across the globe.

25.       Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final messenger.

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